Ryan's Spiderman movie Rant:
Dear Sam Raimi & Marc Webb, congrats on your Spiderman movies. You have managed to re-imagine a beloved character for a new generation. Too bad you suck at it. Seriously two of spiderman's most character defining traits you completely ruin or change.
1. Spiderman uses humor as a defense mechanism. When the web head gets in situations that are over his head or nearly hopeless or depressing his mouth just starts running. How can you not capture that in a movie? Having the new spiderman making fun of a common car thief for 10 mins is not true to the character or funny.
2. Spiderman is a tragic hero. I don't know how you directors can go through high school english without learning what that means. Now let me give credit to Sam Raimi for that last 4 minutes of the first spiderman movie actually did managed to capture this, too bad that was the only 4 mins of 3 movies that actually made me feel like I was watching a Spiderman movie. And Marc Webb have you even read a comic book? Spiderman gets dumped on constantly. He always gets kicked in the balls at the end of the story. Stan Lee has stated this in many interviews.
I realize that a "fan rant" isn't anything new or should have any bearing on how you make a movie, but when someone who has loved Spiderman for as long as I have and is as forgiving as I am can't be convinced to go see your movie in a theater, well.... just saying.
Last great comic book movie is the The Phantom. Hands down.
But I am not asking for a great comic book movie, that is a pipe dream. I just want one that stays true to the character.
As much as the Iron Man movies had their issues, they stayed true to the Iron Man character, an arrogant genius a-hole.
new and old Captain America movies showed Cap as a good old fashion
American hero who stands for the "ideal" American values.
The Batman movies show most parts of the character, but seem to leave out the world's greatest detective bit.
isn't a love crazed killer vigilante romance star, he is a lawyer who
wears a mask and sees the world differently(or more clearly).
was a little muddy on the character traits, but overall painted a
picture of a Norse God whose ego gets in the way of being a hero.
think overall the recent Marvel movies are more successful with comic
book fans because of this one issue. They stay true to the core
character traits.
have seen a great deal of comic book movies, most of them I wish I
hadn't, but I still continue to hunt them down and watch them, but
messing with Spidy like this draws the line.
you know why there are 24 Bond movies? Its not because all 24 have been
fantastic pieces of cinema, but rather because all stayed true to the
character. And despite how bad the movies may have been you are never
disappointed with the character only the movie he was in.
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