Wednesday, December 03, 2008

what dark recess this came out of.

INT. Bedroom. A loft style bedroom in the city. A man is pulling down his grey shirt. A hint of a dark colored armored vest is underneath.

Mack Byron
This is my last night here.

Long Pause. Mack looks deep into the eyes of the lady across the room. Sitting on the bed with her knees pulled to her chest. A translucent night gown glimmers in the dark Her icy cold eyes stare back.

Ariel Starlace
Even the comfort of my embrace isn’t enough satisfaction for you.

That is the problem Ariel you can’t see past your cold heart. I am not leaving you, I am finished using you.

Ariel stands up from the bed. Her gown now reflecting the moonlight, filling the room with a haunting light.. Her fierce eyes tear up.

You think you know pain, Mack. How many nights has it been now? Only a few less since you lost her. You wanted my embrace. You wanted to loose yourself in my bed. And it worked.

I am clear what I need to do now. You are right it did work. I am free.

Pulling a nasty looking weapon from behind his back. Mack examines it.

Free to have no mercy. Free to do what is necessary.

He was your friend. If I knew why you were here, I would have turned you away.

You are weak Ariel. You lust for comfort blinds you. And now it is to late.

To late to stop you, or to late for regrets.
Ariel pulls twin weapons from somewhere hidden in her nightgown. Mack stares her down, his weapon at his side.


Mack grabs both of her arms and pulls the weapons to his chest. Mack smirks and pulls her arms away dropping the weapons on the floor. Mack leaves the room. Ariel falls down on the bed.

EXT. Alleyway. Night. 3 men in hover over a body there voices lowered, shocked, disbelief at what they are seeing. The nasty looking weapon is protruding from the chest of the victim. Ariel appears from around the corner. A trench coat barely covers her night gown.

The three men turn to face her.

Man 1
Ariel. I mean Madam Starlace... sorry.

Man 2
A fully armed agent of the council was killed.

Man 3
We received an anonymous call. The call came in on one of our secure lines. They identified the killer as one of our own, Mack Byron. We checked the records Mack is listed as a 1st level stealth knight.

Man 1
We are not sure of motive or if the call is legit. We sent a message to the council. How did you get here so quickly? Were you with one of the council members?

The council doesn’t give a damn about this. They will write it off, as an incident. I came here to warn Agent Reynard, but I am to late.

Man 1
How can you say that Madam. You are one of the secret society concubines.. er ladies. They provide everything for you.

Man 2
Madam, Did you say Agent Reynard? This is Agent Stratton.

Ariel walks closer to the body. She looks down with horror.

Oh my god.

Man 1

Mack wanted to kill Reynard.

Man 3

Reynard was the one who caused her death.

Man 1
I don’t understand! Why would he kill Stratton if he blames Reynard.

He is not in his right mind, and apparently he doesn’t just blame Reynard. Wait. Agent Stratton...
Ariel quickly searchs the body. Desperatly looking for something.

Man 2
What are you doing Madam?

Agent Stratton is also one of the council keepers.
Ariel gives up on her search. A look of dread on her face.
He carried the metal key card for the council records vault.
Mack's target must be a council member or one of the seven elite.
Man 3
But aren't the records encoded? Just because he has a card doesn't mean anything unles he has the code words?

He is a first level stealth knight. What do you think?
Man 2
We will send all available agents to the council records vault. And warn the council.
Man 1
How do we warn the Seven Elite? They need to know.
Man 3
Madam Starlace do you know who we can contact?
Ariel looks at the men. She takes off around the corner. The 3 men look at each other. Confused.

Man 2
Do you think she knows an Elite?
Man 1
She knew a lot about what was going on. The Society Ladies are privileged to a lot of secrets. It could be she just heard some of this from one of her clients.
Man 3
Maybe we should take her before the council. They may want to question her.
Man 2.
Lets take her in.

As the agents pull guns from their sides. A sharp object shoots out from the shadows. Striking down Man 1.

You are going to let her go. I need her to lead me to the one who I truly want to watch die.

The other 2 men raise their guns to the shadows. But it is too late. 2 more sharp objects fly from the shadows striking them down. The scene ends with Mack walking out of the shadow and pulls the nasty looking weapon out of Stratton.

Ext. Night The front of a building. Ariel is pounding on the door.

Let me in. I need to know.

The door opens a girl dressed in very long black trench coat walks out of the door. Her black hair flows behind her as she walks. Ariel trails her as the walk down the street.

Leave Ariel. I have nothing to say to you.

You knew Mack. You knew Mack really well.

I don't know what you are talking about.
Yes you do. Mack spent the last few weeks in my bed. He shared a lot those first few nights.
For example the night you and him spent together. You were going to leave the council for him. Run away from everything. Mack was going to leave his wife.
No. He spent a night with you, I don't believe it.
I know she died that same night. I know Reynard was involed somehow. What I don't know is the details. You need to tell me.
No I don't. Best not forget your place Ariel. I can have you erased out of this life with but a word.
Fine. Let me see if I can put this together. You and Mack were in bed together. She walked in on you two. She ran out in the pouring rain. He chased her down the street. Leaving you behind. SomehowReynard was in the neighborhood and heard a commotion. Mack was trying to reason with her. She wouldn’t listen. Reynard was holding Mack back. Traffic was heavy that night. The roads slick. The truck didn’t even see her until it was too late.


But that wasn’t all. Mack found out more. You didn’t want to leave the council. You set it up that night so she would walk in on you two. The council helped you plan it. That is why Mack is after the Council and not just Reynard.

Ariel you naive whore. The council will deal with Mack. Go back to sleeping with the lowlifes.

No Diana. I want to know what happened. And I want to know before Mack finds you.

It’s too late for that.

Mack steps out from a corner. Diana and Ariel stop. Mack pulls the bloody, nasty weapon from behind his back.

No Mack it’s too late for you.

Reynard emerges from around another corner. Weapons drawn and pointed at Mack.

Ah Reynard. You are a tough man to find.

It was an accident, Mack. I am sorry you couldn’t accept that. But what you are doing is worse.

You have no idea Reynard.

Mack pulls out a detonator from his belt.

Did you know that the full council will only meet for a disaster level 1. And wouldn’t it happen that an agent going rogue is classified as a level 1.

What have you done Mack!?

Isn’t it obvious. I am destroying the order that caused this.

That’s bullshit and you know it. This if your fault Mack. You were cheating on Diana and Tori found out about it. That’s why I was in the neighborhood. She asked me to be there.

Don’t say her name! You don’t get to say her name!

Mack gets closer to pushing the button for the detonator.

Reynard you fool. The council set the whole thing up. They play us like pawns. Diana is one of the Seven Elite. I wouldn't sleep with her. And she wouldn't sleep with me I am below her.

Reynard hesitates a little bit and looks towards Diana. Diana’s demeanor doesn’t change. A suspicion of doubt comes across Reynard.

I found out the truth about the council and the society that night. They are the biggest evil. And now I will rid the world of them.

No Mack! This isn’t the way. Even if it is true. Killing is not the answer.

No Reynard. It is the only answer.

Mack moves to push the button. Reynard dashes into Mack causing the Detonator to fly out of his hands. Mack strikes with his nasty weapon. Reynard falls to the ground. Ariel picks up the detonator.

Give me the Detonator. Now!

No Mack. Think about this. You know this isn’t right. Reynard, Tori, Stratton all dead becasue of you.

BAM! Diana shoots Mack with her gun. Mack falls to the ground. Diana turns the gun to Ariel.

Now Ariel give it to me.

Ariel looks with disbelief at what just happened. Slowly her eyes glaze over with an eerie coldness.

Diana, Mack’s dead.

Give it to me now.

I understand now. Mark was doing these awful things, not because of vengeance, not because of insanity, but because the world needs to burn when love is betrayed.

Ariel pushes the button. Diana lowers her gun.

Look me up when love betrays you. I will help you burn.


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