Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wise man say: "Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza." -Michaelangelo TMNT

The 22nd of January

The 23rd of January

The 24th of January

This weekend was difficult. I saw a friend of mine stand up in front of his family and friends and give a Eulogy that truly was from the heart. The strength it took to stay composed, and to speak directly to us, was monumental. It was impressive and heart breaking at the same time. Not only that but what he said about regret and missing the small chances to be with someone, and putting off that trip you want to take together, really hit home. I think I told my wife I loved her 7 times before bed that night.

I also had a chance to drink and dine with friends that I rarely see. I see in them the mannerisms and interests that shaped my teenage years.

I want to say it here, since I didn't get to say it last night, but my friend, lets call him Pablo. Palbo I may share video games and other "nerdy" interests with the others, but for me I see in us the same heart. The same compassion. The same deep feelings for others. Thanks for still being my friend.

My other friend, lets call him Enrico, I want to tell you that even though I gave you a hard time, I hear myself ask the same questions you do. I see the same need for understanding, and the same desire to know how other people see the world. You stay true to yourself, Enrico. Thanks for still being my friend.

For my friend, lets call him Roberto. You showed strength in the face of enormous tragedy. I hope that if I am ever faced with such a thing, that I show half the strength and composure you showed. Thanks for still being my friend.

For my other friends from high school. I am grateful for you all. You are a big part of who I am today. The way I interact with people my age I learned from you. The way I form friendships and bonds I learned from you. The way I see the world and others I learned from you. Thank you for being my friends.

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