Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one." - Jareth the Goblin King, Labyrinth

The 11th of January

The 12th of January

Choose your fate.

The goblins of the deep have grown strong. They have worked hard in the earth to carve out a small kingdom. The years of frail ingenuity on the surface have given way to a more bloodthirsty war like creature. More akin to their Orc cousins these new goblins have focused on forging and fighting with steal weapons. Some goblins have grown so strong that they can wield a human sword with deadly accuracy and skill.


A mad king has descended into the goblin village. They now have a leader unlike any before. The madness that drives the goblins is the same that drives this mad king. The mad king however retains his mastery of tactical combat and warfare. The goblin horde becomes a crazed army, attacking villages and settlements with a strategic purpose. No longer mindless thoughtless raids, these goblins are quickly conquering the countryside. Their undying loyalty to their new mad king borders on religious zeal.

I was sad to hear that David Bowie past away yesterday. His passing sat with me while drawing. I wanted to draw a portrait of him as the Goblin King from Labyrinth as I have seen so many talented people do on Deviantart but self doubt stepped in and stopped that from happening. I did manage one or two neat goblins thumbnails though.

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